The planet earth in space is lit on the top half of the planet and dark on the bottom half.
2023 President’s Annual Report
Advancing York’s leadership in sustainability 
Right the Future

A new CSO, a Microlecture Series and bold promises to achieve net zero sooner

In the past year, York has made remarkable progress towards achieving its sustainability goals, enhancing its position as a leader in sustainability, and its commitment to creating a better future for the planet.  

The University is ahead of targets established in the Sustainability Framework, which included a goal to reduce indirect and direct emissions by 45 per cent by 2030 to achieve net-zero sooner and has made significant progress in reducing its fossil fuel investments through its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) approach. 

The University also hired its first Chief Sustainability Officer, Mike Layton, and has committed $1 million to support Sustainable Innovation. 

To enhance sustainability on campus, 33 electric vehicle recharging stations have been installed at the Keele and Glendon Campuses, as well as an expanded Toronto Bike Share program, which is building York’s on-campus cycling infrastructure. The University also leads the way in waste diversion on campus, having achieved greater diversion rates than surrounding municipalities.  

In March 2023, York also launc​hed the Microlectures Series in Sustainable Living – a series of six videos from renowned York faculty on a diverse range of topics related to sustainability. More than 200 participants have earned their digital badge on Sustainable Living to date.