Paulina Lau Scholar Program is helping to fund students’ learning overseas
The Paulina Lau Scholar Program, launched in 2022, is increasing access to global learning opportunities for York University students in the Lassonde School of Engineering, Science and LA&PS. The scholarship provides up to $7,500 in funding towards students’ learning overseas, which includes coursework, research or internships.
Established by York alumni and life partners Hian Siang Chan and Paulina Lau and their family, the scholarship will inspire students as they develop global competencies, and build the skills needed to solve complex challenges.
Rehan Rashid, a mechanical engineering student in at Lassonde, was named a Paulina Lau Scholar for his second internship at NASA in Virginia. He credits the program with helping him to excel in his internship, by providing the financial assistance that allowed him to focus on his studies and bring him closer to his dream of helping to land the first human on Mars.